Gifts of Hope

Unwrapping New Beginnings & Investing in Futures

Help lonely children who are experiencing separation from their families to feel loved and remembered by donating to our Amazin’ Wish List! Your gift will bring them joy this holiday season and invest in lives transformed for years.

You may notice something slightly different about this year’s Amazin’ Wish List.  When purchasing a gift, we’ll direct you to Stewardship instead of going through a familiar checkout page (like Amazon).  Here’s the reason for doing this.  

Following the overwhelming success of last year’s wish list, we encountered a challenge: How do we ship all those fantastic gifts from the UK to Kenya?

The final cost of shipping amounted to 40% of the total value of your gifts.

By donating via Stewardship or bank transfer, we can purchase the gift locally in Kenya and avoid unnecessary shipping costs (releasing more money for helping children 🙌🏽).

Fun & Play

Man making a football

£25 | $32

Purchase an ‘Alive & Kicking’ Kenyan hand-made football and pump kit.

These footballs are proven to last up to eight times longer than a standard synthetic ball.

Boys wearing Route 61 branded training bibs
Branded Sports Bibs

£40 | $50

Purchase 20 x Route 61 branded activity bibs

Adds loads of fun, laughter and constructive team games for children confined to institutions. Route 61 hosts games in X venues usually once a month.

Refereeing whistle and officiating cards
Referee Kit

£5 | $6

Purchase 1 x Referee whistle & cards kit.

Sports training cones
Training cones

£20 | $25

Purchase 40 x Training Cones for one institution.  

These are excellent for physical fitness and simple team games.

Boy playing connect 4
Various Games

£15 | $19

Purchase fun, social indoor games like Ludo, Connect 4, draughts, various card games and hula hoops.

Family playing bean bag sack toss
Outdoor Fun Games

£35 | $44

Purchase a locally made game like Sack toss (bean bag game) & giant Jenga.

A set of paints and colouring pens.
Arts & Crafts

£20 | $25

Purchase various colouring & drawing books, paints, pens and brushes.

A woman face painting a child
Face Paints

£8 | $10

Purchase a set of face paints.

Two boys creating bead jewelery
Jewellery Making

£35 | $44

Purchase glass beads & nylon string for making jewellery like wristbands (enough for 50 children).

African man teaching art
Emotional Therapy Through Play

£125 | $158

Purchase one month of art therapy classes across six institutions (classes for around 250 children).

A book library
Establish a Library

£500 | $630

Establish a book library in one institution.  

Approximately fifty books and a bespoke cabinet to house them.

Spiritual Well-being

An African boy clutching a Bible to his chest
New Testaments & Psalms

£27 | $34

Purchase 50 copies for one children’s institution.

A African child with a letter from Father God
Various Bible Teaching Resources 

£12 | $15

Purchase 100 copies of Children-focused literature to distribute in one month, such as the Father’s Love Letter.

A prayer journal
Prayer Journal

£20 | $25

Purchase five prayer journals and pens for children to use during times of prayer, rest & reflection.

A mixed group of people worshipping God.
Quarterly Pastors Gathering

£150 | $190

Purchase a day of impartation and encouragement for ten local pastors.

African man & boy holding hands in prayer
Healing Prayer Ministry

£500 | $630

Purchase one week’s essential prayer ministry training for ten front-line mentors supporting children in the juvenile justice system.

African man teaching a group of boys under a tree

£50 | $63

Purchase five day visits from a Route 61 trained chaplain to love & encourage children & staff in an institution.

Happy group of africans posing in a beautiful garden
Team 61 Retreat

£125 | $158

Purchase a day of enrichment, retreat, rest & personal development for Team 61 (eight people).

Social & Emotional Well-being

An African boy speaking on a mobile telephone
Mobile Phone Handset

£20 | $25

Purchase a mobile phone handset for one institution so that children can build connections with their families and reduce feelings of separation and loneliness.  

(These phones are currently enabling more than 1,000 calls per month.)

Connect children with home
Call Time

£65 | $82

Purchase one year’s call time (12,000 minutes) for one institution.

A selection of sports items
Blessing Boxes 

£32 | $40

Purchase a box full of exciting goodies to share God’s love.  

Sent to an institution without a Route 61 physical presence.

Christmas shoe-box gifts
Christmas & Easter Parties

£80 | $100

Purchase an entire party celebration from decorations, food, drinks, competitions, prizes & gifts.

Girls throwing underwear into the air
Girls: Dignity 61

£25 | $32

Purchase essential items like underwear & feminine hygiene products to promote a sense of personal dignity for girls residing in the juvenile justice system.  This buys enough locally-purchased good quality products for 24 girls.

Boys' underpants
Boys: Respect 61

£25 | $32

Purchase items like underwear to promote self-respect amongst boys residing in the juvenile justice system.

This buys enough locally purchased good-quality products for 18 boys.

Sexual purity & healthy relationships
Moral Revolution

£50 | $63

Purchase one month’s mentoring sessions on healthy relationships &  sexual purity.

These sessions would typically impact and support 20 to 40 young people in this important area of their young lives.

Rescued Babies

Nairobi Baby Rescue Centre is a temporary home for babies and toddlers who have experienced abandonment or are victims of abuse or trafficking.  Being severely under-resourced, the centre relies heavily upon generous donations.

African mother feeding a baby from a bottle
Powdered Milk

£560 | $706

Purchase one month’s baby formula milk for seven babies.

African baby crawling, dressed only in a diaper or nappy

£250 | $315

Purchase one month’s supply of eco-friendly disposable nappies for 14 babies.


African man & woman working in a keyhole garden
Organic Garden Training

£50 | $63

Purchase five training days, during which the key-hole gardens will be established.

A hand planting seeds with saplings

£5 | $6

Purchase seeds for planting in one institution.

Garden tools. A trowel and fork.
Gardening Tools 

£22 | $28

Purchase gardening tools and items to establish and maintain one garden.

African children leaping joyfully
Dream Room 

£1,000 | $1,260

Purchase a multi-purpose inspirational and relaxing space, including a book library to encourage & enhance learning.

Add a book library (£500 | $630) for a complete inspirational and learning space for young people.

Other (Big) Wishes

An off-road motor car
Car Fund

£20,000 | $25,200

Route 61 is seeking to raise funds to acquire a robust seven-seater vehicle.   We aim to ensure team safety and increase efficiency, reach & impact.

We would love to be able to fund all of our wonderful projects, but sometimes we receive too many donations in one area and not enough in another! Should your chosen category become fully funded, Route 61 will use your donation to support other areas.

Prefer to Give via Bank Transfer or Paypal?

Making a donation towards a category by pressing the purchase buttons on this page will take you to Stewardship, whose services Route 61 use to help collect and boost donations via Gift Aid (for UK tax payers).  Should you prefer to fund Route 61 directly via bank transfer or use PayPal, then please see the Donate page.


If you need any support giving please email and we will do our best to help you!